Every 4 years and spectacular international gathering of Scout and Guide groups takes place – Each section is invited to spend some time over the week long camp and this year was no exception for us as we took our Scouts (week camp), Cubs (weekend camp), Beavers (midweek camp) and even our newest section – Squirrels (day visit). With over 100 people from Gorse Covert attending over the week – 9th were officially the largest Group on camp!

The activities were plentiful and kept everyone entertained from dawn til dusk (and a bit into the night). This is truly a great experience for all our group members (adults included) to participate with 1000’s of other Scouts from all around the world.

Gallery – Chamboree (Scout Association images)

Video (Chamboree Highlights Video) – look out for our group (identified by the Blue with Red trim Neckers – and Akela 😉 )